Peter Jones Enterprise Academy

The Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, formerly known as the National Enterprise Academy, is an educational establishment offering programs at a number of UK colleges. The Academy was founded by Peter Jones in 2008; its 'Pathfinder' course began in January 2009 in Buckinghamshire with 28 students. The academy was set up with the goal of "bringing the boardroom into the classroom", making learning about business a more practical experience.
During the courses students are taught about business by actual business people. During the Pathfinder course, Peter Jones is the founder but does not assist with the day-to-day running and is only present at the graduation ceremony.

Campus locations

The Manchester campus is situated just outside the city centre, and is connected with The Manchester College, whilst the Amersham campus is situated in Buckinghamshire and connected with Buckinghamshire College Group.
There are two courses on offer to students, either the level 2 or level 3 ; there is also a fast-track course where people can join the level 2 course for a 6-month period.


CEO Tom Bewick quit after only a week in the position. Bewick's letter of resignation, claimed that the spending of millions of pounds of public funds on the project was ‘hard to justify’ as it had ‘seriously under-performed’ in comparison with the amount of money invested in it. An investigation by the Skills Funding Agency at the request of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills found no evidence to support the allegations about the use of public funds. Jones says that the Academy was audited by Grant Thornton and by outside investigators and no wrongdoing was found.
Earlier in 2011, it was reported that Manchester College had discontinued its connection with the Academy, because of low enrolment, and doubts about the overall financial stability of the Academy.