Perry County, New South Wales

Perry County is one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales. It is located to the east of the Darling River near Pooncarie.
Perry County was named in honour of Samuel Augustus Perry, soldier and surveyor.

Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:
AstolatCentral Darling Shire
BarraraWentworth Shire
BarrittWentworth Shire
BeelaWentworth Shire
BellWentworth Shire
BertramWentworth Shire
BimpiaWentworth Shire
BlenalbenWentworth Shire
BurkeWentworth Shire
CamelotWentworth Shire
CoonongWentworth Shire
CooyarundaWentworth Shire
DarchyWentworth Shire
EnidWentworth Shire
EuchlaWentworth Shire
GarnpungWentworth Shire
GlenstalWentworth Shire
GrayWentworth Shire
GunpanoolaWentworth Shire
HarleyWentworth Shire
HowittWentworth Shire
KandraWentworth Shire
KarpakoraWentworth Shire
KingWentworth Shire
MapennyWentworth Shire
MidgehopeWentworth Shire
MitchellWentworth Shire
MooloolerieWentworth Shire
MooraraWentworth Shire
MorthongWentworth Shire
MuellerWentworth Shire
MungoWentworth Shire
MytheWentworth Shire
NambucurraWentworth Shire
NandaWentworth Shire
NaniaWentworth Shire
NeliaWentworth Shire
NuccaloWentworth Shire
Pan BanWentworth Shire
PepporaWentworth Shire
PerryWentworth Shire
PinesWentworth Shire
PombraWentworth Shire
PooncairaWentworth Shire
PorcupineCentral Darling Shire
PrunellaCentral Darling Shire
TarcoolaWentworth Shire
TarmoolaWentworth Shire
TartnaCentral Darling Shire
TimpungaWentworth Shire
TolarnoCentral Darling Shire
TuckinyaWentworth Shire
WanteboolkaWentworth Shire
WelshWentworth Shire
WentworthWentworth Shire
WillsWentworth Shire
WrefordWentworth Shire
YendaCentral Darling Shire