Perch SSSI

The Perch is a 72.1 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest close to Cheddar Gorge in the Mendip Hills, Somerset, England. It received SSSI notification in 1990.
This site is important because it supports populations of nationally rare and scarce plants, together with grassland and woodland habitats which are nationally restricted in distribution.
The site is located on the south side of the Mendip Hills occupying a position on a steep-sided ridge which runs north to south. The underlying rocks are almost entirely carboniferous limestone with a small amount of Triassic dolomitic conglomerate.
The nationally rare purple gromwell and the nationally scarce Ivy Broomrape also occur. Three species of orchid occur in these grassland areas: the Green-winged Orchid, the pyramidal orchid and the Autumn Ladies'-tresses. Two nationally rare plants, the Cheddar pink and the Cheddar bedstraw are found on this site, as are two nationally scarce species: the rock stonecrop and the spring cinquefoil.
This variety of habitats ensures that a wide range of fauna occurs on the site. In total 22 species of mammal have been recorded including a strong population of dormouse and five species of bat, including the Greater Horseshoe bat and Lesser Horseshoe bat which use the site for feeding. One small roost of lesser horseshoe bats is known. Both species of horseshoe bat are nationally rare. Thirty species of birds are known to breed within this site and at least 23 species of butterfly breed here.