Per Abramsen

Pieter Abramsen was a Dutch sculptor, and visiting professor at the Delft University of Technology, known for his work in which abstraction and realism are joined.


Abramsen was born and raised in Rotterdam-Overschie. From 1957 to 1961 he studied at the Rotterdam Academy of Fine Arts and Applied Sciences. After his graduation he settled as artist in Rotterdam, and after 1994 he also worked from France.
In 1962 Abramsen made a study trip to the United States. He came into prominence in 1965 after being awarded the second prize of the national annual EMS culture award, which was news in all national newspapers. He started to exhibited in The Netherlands and beyond. In 1969 a sculpture of Abramsen was donated by Siemens to the municipal of Rotterdam. In 1971 Abramsen and Rob Maingay donated the people of Rotterdam a sculpture of their own as a political statement, that artists don't only live on the costs of the community. This was the sculpture called Beacon.
Furthermore in 1971 he exhibited in the Middelheim Open Air Sculpture Museum in Antwerp and had solo exhibitions in Pulchri Studio in The Hague in 1980 and 1989. His work has been shown in 1995 Beelden aan Zee exhibition at Scheveningen.
Abramsen was a promotor of the old craft of bronze casting. He served as chairman of the BBK Rijnmond, and in 1997 had started as visiting professor at the Technical University of Delft. In 1965 Abramsen was awarded the EMS Cultuurprijs in The Hague with his work Arabesque. In 1989 he was awarded the Jacob Hartog Award, also in The Hague, with his work Les Voiles.


Abramsen had been married to Berry Koedam, graphic artist and gallery owner of the RAM Gallery in Rotterdam.


Works (selection)

Exhibitions, a selection