Pentlandite is an iron–nickel sulfide, 9S8. Pentlandite has a narrow variation range in Ni:Fe but it is usually described as having a Ni:Fe of 1:1. It also contains minor cobalt, usually at low levels as a fraction of weight. Pentlandite forms isometric crystals, but it is normally found in massive granular aggregates. It is brittle with a hardness of 3.5–4 and specific gravity of 4.6–5.0 and is non-magnetic. It has a yellowish bronze color. Pentlandite has been investigated as a catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction in water electrolysis.
Pentlandite is the most common terrestrial nickel sulfide. It typically forms during cooling of a sulfide melt. These sulfide melts, in turn, are typically formed during the evolution of a silicate melt. Because Ni is a chalcophile-like element, it has preference for sulfide phases. In sulfide undersaturated melts, Ni substitutes for other transition metals within ferromagnesian minerals, the most usual being olivine, although nickeliferous varieties of amphibole, biotite, pyroxene and spinel are known. Ni substitutes most readily for Fe2+ and Co2+ because or their similarity in size and charge. In sulfide saturated melts, Ni behaves as a chalcophile element and partitions strongly into the sulfide phase. Because most Ni behaves as a compatible element in igneous differentiation processes, the formation of nickel-bearing sulfides is essentially restricted to sulfide saturated mafic and ultramafic melts. Minor amounts of Ni sulfides are found in mantle peridotites. The behaviour of sulfide melts is complex and is affected by Cu:Ni:Fe:S. Typically, above 1100 °C, only one sulfide melt exists. Upon cooling to ca. 1000 °C, a solid containing mostly Fe and minor amounts of Ni and Cu is formed. This phase is called monosulfide solid solution, and is unstable at low temperatures decomposing to mixtures of pentlandite and pyrrhotite, and pyrite. It is only upon cooling past ~ that the MSS undergoes exsolution. A separate phase may also form. This copper-rich liquid typically forms chalcopyrite upon cooling. These phases typically form aphanitic equigranular massive sulfides, or are present as disseminated sulfides within rocks composed mostly of silicates. Pristine magmatic massive sulfide are rarely preserved as most deposits of nickeliferous sulfide have been metamorphosed. Metamorphism at equal to, or higher than, greenschist facies will cause solid massive sulfides to deform in a ductile fashion and to travel some distance into the country rock and along structures. Upon cessation of metamorphism, the sulfides may inherit a foliated or sheared texture, and typically develop bright, equigranular to globular aggregates of porphyroblastic pentlandite crystals known colloquially as "fish scales". Metamorphism may also alter the concentration of Ni and the Ni:Fe ratio and Ni:S ratio of the sulfides. In this case, pentlandite may be replaced by millerite, and rarely heazlewoodite. Metamorphism may also be associated with metasomatism, and it is particularly common for arsenic to react with pre-existing sulfides, producing nickeline, gersdorffite and other Ni–Co arsenides.
Pentlandite is a catalyst for production of hydrogen and oxygen from water using electricity. It is said to be as effective at this as platinum, which is significantly rarer and more expensive.