Pennsylvania Dutch English

Pennsylvania Dutch English is a dialect of English that has been influenced by the Pennsylvania German language. It is largely spoken in South Central Pennsylvania, both by people who are monolingual and bilingual. The dialect has been dying out, as non-Amish younger Pennsylvania Germans tend to speak General American English. Very few non-Amish members of these people can speak the Pennsylvania German language, although most know some words and phrases. The World War II Generation was the last generation in which Pennsylvania Dutch was widely spoken outside the Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite communities.

Features of Pennsylvania German influence

Pennsylvania Dutch English differs from standard American English in various ways. Some of its hallmark features include the following:
Other calques include:
Pennsylvania Dutch English termStandard English termPennsylvania German termRelated Standard German termWord-for-word Standard German translation
Outen the lights.Turn off the lights. Mach's Licht aus.Mach das Licht aus."Make the light off."
The is all.
There is no more .Die sin all.Die sind alle."The are all."
Don't eat yourself full.Don't fill yourself up.Iss dich net voll.Iss dich nicht voll."Eat yourself not full."
There's cake back yet.There is cake to come.Es gibt datt noch Kuche.Es gibt da noch Kuchen."It passes there yet cake." / "There is yet cake."
It wonders me.It makes me wonder.Es wunnert mich.Das wundert mich."It wonders me."
SpritzingLightly rainingSchpritzeSpritzen"Spurting / Squirting"
RutschingSquirmingRutscheRutschen"Slipping / Sliding"
SchusslichClumsy SchusslichSchusselig"Scatty / Scatterbrained"
Doplich / DoppichClumsy DoppichTäppisch / Tappig"Clumsy"
Yah, well.Whatever / It makes no differenceYa, well.Ja, wohl."Yes, well."
WutzPig Die WutzDie Wutz"The Pig"
Kutz / KutzingVomit / VomitingDie Kutz / KutzeDie Kotze / Kotzen"Vomit"
SchtriwwelichUncombed or stringySchtriwwelichStrubbelig"Disheveled"
Brutzing / GrexingWhining/ ComplainingBrutze / GrexeJammern / Klagen"Whining / Complaining"
Wuntz For a second / QuicklyEemolsEinmalOnce / One-time
Mox nixIrrelevantMacht's nix Macht nichts." Matters not."
Nix nootz / Nix nootzieMisbehaving NixnutzNichtsnutz"No-use."
SchnickelfritzTroublemaker SchnickelfritzSchnacken + Fritz"Chatting Fritz"
That's allNone left / All goneAll / AlleAlle / Leer"All / Blank"
Right likeExactly the same asGenau wie / Yuscht wieGenau wie"Just like"

Other idioms include "Make wet?" meaning "Is it going to rain?", "hurrieder" meaning "faster", and "dippy eggs/ecks" meaning "over-easy or soft-boiled eggs".