Peninnis Lighthouse

Peninnis Lighthouse is situated on Peninnis Head, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly.


The light was built to replace the lighthouse in the centre of the island of St Agnes and helps vessels to enter Hugh Town harbour, via St Mary's Sound. It was first lit in 1911, is circular, tall and consists of a black steel open lattice foundation, white gallery and black–domed top. Automated from the start, it was one of the first gas–powered light houses to use acetylene.
It was converted to electricity in 1992. In late 2011 the range of the white flashing light was reduced from 17 to under the Trinity House 2010 Aids to Navigation review. The revolving lens remains in situ but is no longer in use, having been replaced by a single-tier LED lantern mounted on the exterior rail of the lighthouse structure.