A penetration aid is a device or tactic used to increase an intercontinental ballistic missile warhead's chances of penetrating a target's defenses. These can consist of both physical devices carried within the ICBM, as well as tactics that accompany its launch or flight path, operate as either passive or active counters, and may include one or more of the following concepts:
The missile booster can have a short burn time, and/or the MIRV bus carrying the nuclear warheads can have some form of stealth technology, thereby hindering detection before the warhead reentry vehicles are released.
MIRV and MRV themselves largely improve penetration since there are many more warheads to destroy than missiles, which may saturate the defensive system's stock of weapons. However, these technologies are very demanding since they require the ability to highly miniaturize both the physics package inside, such as the Teller–Ulam design used in most US and NATO "staged" fission–fusion weapons, as well as including the warheads themselves and, for MIRVed warheads, to master the art of accurately dispensing each warhead and possibly other payload elements in what is often designated as the post-boost phase or payload deployment phase.
Incidental or deliberate fragmentation of the final-stage rocket booster can cloud the enemy's radar by projecting a radar cross-section much larger than the actual missile and/or creating a large amount of false tracks.
Chaff may be deployed over a large area of space, creating a large, radar-reflecting object that will obscure incoming warheads from defensive radar.
Radarjammers are active radio transmitters that can be deployed on the decoys and the warhead to jam the frequencies used by defensive radars or literally blind them from seeing any warheads around.
Decoys such as mylar balloons that can be inflated in space and are designed to have the same radar characteristics as the warhead. As the warhead and the decoy balloons may be at different temperatures, the warhead and the balloons may both be surrounded by heated shrouds that put them all at the same temperature. This defeats attempts to discriminate between decoys and warheads on the basis of temperature, which can confuse an enemy's missile defense systems.
Reentry decoys, consisting of very small reentry bodies that mimic the decelerating trajectory and radar signature of a warhead during atmospheric reentry, force the defense system to spend many interceptor weapons on fake targets instead of warheads.
Maneuvering reentry vehiclesMARV induce lateral drag during reentry and hence strongly bend the trajectory, thus deceiving lower altitude interceptor systems that generally assume a straight decelerating trajectory and which have a limited terminal guidance maneuverability and course correction capability. This has some penalty in terms of decreased attacking warhead accuracy on the target.
Carrying such devices has a price in terms of payload weight and volume, which requires a compromise versus warhead size and numbers on board, as well as missile range.