Pen Lucy, Baltimore

Pen Lucy is a small community in the North District of Baltimore and part of the development of York Road, a historic Baltimore route to Pennsylvania. The Pen Lucy neighborhood features many different housing types. The neighborhood is bounded by Argonne Drive, East 43rd Street, Greenmount Avenue and The Alameda. The Pen Lucy Neighborhood Association, Inc., a non profit community organization represents the residents of the Pen Lucy Community.


As in the 2006 Baltimore City, Pen Lucy Neighborhood Action Plan,
There are several churches and organizations within Pen Lucy
and just outside of the area that have both a vested interest and
play an active role in the revitalization and health of the
neighborhood. Since 1911 Blessed Sacrament Church has
been a constant presence, serving the Catholic population and
community members at Old York Road and 42nd Street. With
the moving on of Boundary Methodist on 42nd Street in the
1980s, Faith Christian congregation took ownership of their
buildings. The presence of established churches has helped to
stabilize the neighborhood by helping to fight the drugs in the
neighborhood and provide constructive activities for the youth in
the area. For example the Antioch Youth Senate of Govans, a
program of the Antioch Church of God, Inc., operates youthprograms that provide employment and opportunities for community service hours for children. In addition to the faith based institutions, the neighborhood civic associations are
helping residents of Pen Lucy to have a better quality of life.
According to the 2000 US Census, 3,260 people live in Pen Lucy with 90.3% African-American and 5.8% White. The median household income is $22,356. 87.9% of the houses are occupied and 37.8% of those are occupied by the home's owner. Fifty-five percent of Pen Lucy’s 1,500 households are headed by single females. Seventy-five percent
of these households include children under the age of 18. More than 27 percent of the entire population is age 18 or younger, with approximately 900 children living in the neighborhood.


Guilford Elementary Middle School is the zoned public school for Pen Lucy. High school students generally attend the high schools Mervo, W. E. B. Dubois High School|DuBois, or Baltimore City College and many Charter schools across the city.