The production premiered in April 2009, with Kelly Monaco and Melanie Brown as its initial headliners, and with a plan to replace both headliners every three months to keep the show fresh. Monaco performed the non-singing role of Bo Peep, with Brown portraying the singing Peep Diva. While the show does feature nudity, neither Monaco nor Brown appeared nude. Monaco performed in the production until her 3-month contract expired in June 2009. Although it was briefly rumored that Lindsay Lohan would replace her, the role of Bo Peep ultimately went to Holly Madison. Madison started with a three-month contract, but was so popular that she was renewed for another three months, and then assumed the role on a permanent basis. Melanie Brown portrayed the role of Peep Diva from the opening of the show until her three-month contract expired in June 2009, when she was replaced by Shoshana Bean, who also had a three-month contract. In September 2009, it was announced that Bean would be replaced by former Danity Kane member Aubrey O'Day. Both Madison and O'Day, unlike their predecessors, performed topless in the show. Blogger Perez Hilton created a brief controversy when he posted unauthorized photos of O'Day's topless performance, criticizing both O'Day's performance and her physique. The show closed briefly from JanuaryMarch 2010, while it was retooled. A new version of the production opened on March 1, 2010, with Holly Madison as the sole female celebrity lead performer as Bo Peep, along with American Idol alum Josh Strickland as the male lead. The role of Peep Diva still existed in the show, but it was no longer reserved for celebrities, and was filled by singer Cheaza Figueroa. For one week from September 13 to 19, 2010, the role of Bo Peep was played by Angel Porrino, who gained celebrity as Madison's personal assistant on her reality TV seriesHolly's World. In October 2012, Madison left Peepshow because of her pregnancy, and Porrino once again stepped in as a temporary replacement. On December 3, 2012, Coco Austin assumed the role of Bo Peep. She continued to play the role until the show's last performance on September 1, 2013.