
Peduel, is an Israeli settlement in the West Bank. Located about 25 km east of Tel Aviv and adjacent to Alei Zahav, Beit Aryeh-Ofarim and Bruchin, it is organised as a community settlement and falls under the jurisdiction of Shomron Regional Council. In it had a population of. The Shilo Stream passes to the south, and the Shilo Stream Nature Preserve borders Peduel on the north and west.
The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal under international law, but the Israeli government disputes this.


Founded in 1984 on state lands by a group of Orthodox Jewish Israelis from Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shvut with help from Amana, the yishuv is now home to about 200 families. The town's name is symbolic and is derived from the bible: "And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion". The word ransomed in Hebrew is "Pedui", and Pedu-el means "ransomed by God".
Peduel is founded on land which Israel expropriated from the Palestinian towns of Deir Ballut and Kafr ad-Dik.


There are many institutions located on the settlement: a nursery, three kindergartens, an elementary school, a talmud torah, and the combined pre-army and hesder Eretz Hatzvi yeshiva.