Pedro Luro

Pedro Luro was born in Gamarthe, France on March 10, 1820 and died in Cannes, France on Feb 28, 1890. He immigrated to Argentina in 1837 and worked in a 'saladero,' a manufacturing facility designed to produce salted and dried meat, as a rural peasant and passenger. He was a proponent of Mar del Plata and of transitioning the territory of La Pampa into a province. Furthermore, he colonized lands in the middle and south of the Buenos Aires province until the Río Negro.
His family composed of his wife and ten children. Two of his children died at a young age.
He migrated to Argentina Aged 17.Had not a penny to his name.Began working in Rural Argentina. Planting trees,he was paid in land.The current land owner at the time went away for a few years.He had returned to find that pedro luro had planted many of trees.The only way the man could pay pedro was to give him all the land.This went to court and Pedro Luro won and became a very wealthy man.