Pedicularis canadensis is a perennial, clonal, herbaceous plant, growing to tall. It has long, soft, hairy leaves, some long, deeply incised and toothed, often reddish-purple under sunlight. It blooms in the spring to summer, between April and June. It produces a broad whorl of tubular, hooded flowers on top of a segmented stalk. The flowers range in color from a greenish-yellow to purplish-red, clustered on short, dense spikes. They are pollinated by bumblebees. The fruit is a long brown seed capsule, which disperses through explosive dehiscence.
The genus namePedicularis is from Latin meaning "of or relating to lice", from the belief that cows caught lice when grazing in pastures with the EuropeanPedicularis palustris. The specific epithetcanadensis refers to Canada. It was formerly included in the family Scrophulariaceae but is now considered to be in Orobanchaceae. Two subspecies are accepted:
Pedicularis canadensis subsp. fluviatilis W.A.Weber — restricted to northern New Mexico and Colorado
Distribution and habitat
Wood betony is broadly distributed across eastern North America, from Quebec east to Manitoba, south to Mexico, and east to Florida. It occurs in a variety of habitats, including mesic to dry prairies, savannas, barrens, and woodlands. In the Chicago area it is considered a conservative species, with a coefficient of conservatism of 9.
Pedicularis canadensis is a hemiparasite, attaching to the roots of diverse species, but also producing chlorophyll on its own. Its roots also have a symbiotic relationship with a fungus that helps it gather nutrients. It has been used in prairie restoration projects to reduce the dominance of aggressive tallgrasses. A leaf beetle, Capraita circumdata has been collected from inside of the flowers. Several ants have been recorded visiting the flowers, including: Crematogaster cerasi, Formica incerta, Formica subsericea, and Lasius alienus. Bees documented visiting the flowers of wood betony include Augochlorella aurata, Bombus auricomus, Bombus bimaculatus, Bombus fervidus, Bombus griseocollis, Bombus impatiens, Bombus vagans, Halictus confusus, and Lasioglossum anomalum.
This plant was eaten by the Iroquois as a vegetable, often as a soup. It was added to oats and used as horse feed by Native Americans. American Indians used a root infusion as a remedy for stomachaches, diarrhea, anemia and heart trouble and made a poultice for swellings, tumors and sore muscles.
The Menomini called the root "enticer root" and carried it as a charm when determined on seducing the opposite sex. The root was also used to heal broken marriages by placing it in food the couple would both eat, hoping its magic would rekindle romance.