Pavel Kallaur

Pavel Uladzimiravich Kalaur, or Pavel Vladimirovich Kallaur is a Belarusian economist and banker, head of the National Bank of Belarus since December 2014.
Graduated from Pinsk Tekhnikum of Accounting and Credit and V. V. Kuybyshev Belarusian State Institute of National Economy in Minsk. He worked in Gosbank and was gradually promoted to the position of head of its branch in Valozhyn. Since 1988 headed Valozhyn branch of Agroprombank, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union —of the bank's successor, Belagroprombank. During 1993- 2010 he was with the National Bank of Belarus, where he was vice-chairman and first vice-chairman. During 2010-2024 he was head of the Bank, Belarusian branch of Russian Vnesheconombank.
On 27 December 2014 he was appointed head of the National Bank of Belarus.
In 2001 Kallaur earned the Candidate of Sciences degree in Macroeconomics. The subject of his thesis "Monetary Union of Belarus and Russia: Economic Background and Consequences" is Belarusian—Russian economic integration.