Paul Irish
Paul Irish is an American front-end engineer and a developer advocate for the Google Chrome web browser. He is widely recognized as a thought leader and a leading evangelist in web technologies, including JavaScript and CSS. In 2011, he was named Developer of the Year by The Net Awards for his contributions to the web development landscape and his participation in many popular open source projects.Front-end development
Irish has created, contributed to, or led the development of many front-end web development projects and JavaScript libraries:
- Google Lighthouse, a tool for automated webpage quality analysis performance metrics and recommendations
- , the developer tools built into Google Chrome
- Modernizr, a feature detection library for HTML5 and CSS3 features
- Yeoman, a suite of tools for a web development workflow
- HTML5 Boilerplate, a template for HTML5 and CSS3 front-end development
- , a package manager for web developers
- jQuery, a JavaScript library that abstracts DOM manipulation and traversal, animation, event handling, and other common JavaScript tasks
HTML5 evangelism
Irish has created or was a key contributor to many websites in an effort to encourage browser and web developers to move to HTML5:
- , a website encouraging web developers to learn more and participate in the development community
- W3Fools, a website dedicated to educating the web developer community about the problems with W3Schools, a popular web technology reference resource
- WebPlatform, a collaboration to create a comprehensive web technology documentation wiki similar to the Mozilla Developer Network. Participants include the W3C, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Facebook, and others
- , documentation of which HTML5 features have been implemented in Chrome and Chrome for Android
- , a visualization of which HTML5 and CSS3 features have been implemented in which browsers
- , a website dedicated to HTML5 education, tutorials, news, and more
- , a tool for interactively learning and developing CSS3
- , a reference for HTML5 features and when and how it is safe to use them in production code