Patrick McKinnon

Patrick McKinnon's poems, prose, collage and criticism have appeared in more than 700 literary magazines worldwide including Atom Mind, Henry Miller's Stroker, North American Review, Pulpsmith and Minnesota Monthly. In 1992 he received a Nebula Award for the Best Long Poem in Science Fiction. He has been awarded 3 Minnesota State Arts Board Poetry Fellowships and has authored 15 collections of poetry including Cherry Ferris Wheels which was nominated for a Minnesota Book Award. In 1998 he was voted the Minnesota State Poetry Slam Champion. Since 1978, he has performed his poetry more than 2,500 times at hundreds of venues nationwide. Co-founder and director of the Poetry Harbor literary organization, he also edited and published the infamous underground poetry / collage art magazine, Poetry Motel.


Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Artist-Support Recipient

Minnesota State Arts Board Poetry Fellowship

Minnesota State Poetry Slam Champion

Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Career Development Grant

Allen Ginsberg Award

McKnight Foundation Individual Artist Fellowship

Minnesota State Arts Board Leadership Award

Lake Superior Writer’s Series Award

The Rhysling Science Fiction Poem of the Year Award

Nebula Award


The Save My Life Book

Dressed Across Time

Me & Death

Waking Up

Out Past the Chain Links of Time

Are You My Father?


The Belize Poems

Cherry Ferris Wheels

Walking Behind My Breath

Straddling the Bony Death

Crimes Done Long Ago

Bumper Cars

Search for a Silicon Soul

Children Swing the Rockets

Prophet of Outrage

Searching for Spiders

Your Way to See With