Patrick Henry High School (Glade Spring, Virginia)

Patrick Henry High School is a public high school in Glade Spring, Virginia. It was built in 1960 as a result of the consolidation of Glade Spring High School and Meadowview High School and named after founding father Patrick Henry. The school is located on a 32 acre campus in Glade Spring, Virginia.

Clubs & Organizations

Patrick Henry High is recognized in the National Rankings as a top 10% High School in the Country; and earned a Bronze-Medal for this recognition. Schools are ranked based on their performance on state-required tests and how well they prepare students for college. Patrick Henry High School ranks in the top 3,000 schools in the country. Patrick Henry High School first received this award in 2015. The school has a 100% graduation rate and 38% of students are in at least one AP course.
Subject% Proficient
English Reading90%State avg: 89%
Biology I93%State avg: 84%
Earth Science97%State avg: 84%
Geometry93%State avg: 80%
Algebra I89%State avg: 83%
Writing89%State avg: 83%
Algebra II96%State avg: 89%
Chemistry87%State avg: 88%
World History I100%State avg: 84%
World History II87%State avg: 87%
VA and US History93%State avg: 86%


Patrick Henry competed in the Group AA Southwest District and Highlands District before moving to the Group A Hogoheegee District in 1989, due to declining student enrollment.
Patrick Henry currently offers the following sports: