Part Timers centers around the antics of the part-time employees of Pork E. Pine's, a run-down children's pizzeria and arcade, and is loosely based on Hecox's own experiences working for the popular children's pizza chain Chuck E. Cheese's, prior to his YouTube fame. The series features Smosh as Pork E. Pine's hapless manager Anton, who got the position with the help of his father despite his obvious lack of experience in the job, and his friend Ian, the Pork E. Pine mascot. Also featured are Pete, a socially inept recent hire who harbours feelings for his somewhat neurotic colleague, Mads, who works on the cleanup crew; Dinger, an eccentric comic book nerd who mans the arcade prize booth; Lori, the restaurant supervisor and the only level-headed member of staff; and Ella, a ditzy, overly friendly employee with financial problems. Each episode, usually ten to twelve minutes long, is uploaded to Smosh's regular channel on Mondays, and as with Smosh's other content, features a behind-the-scenes special the following day.
Ian Hecox as Ian, the man who works as Porky, the mascot of Pork E. Pines.
Anthony Padilla as Anton, the new owner of Pork E. Pines, as it was given to him by his father.
Casey Webb as Dinger, the man who runs the Pork E. Pines' prize booth. He's been there longer than any of the other employees.
Jade Martz as Ella, a homeless woman that the pizzeria found in an alley and hired.
Natalie Whittle as Lori, a woman seems to be the pizzeria's most level headed employee and is the assistant manager.
Cat Alter as Mads, the woman works as the pizzeria's cleanup crew. She develops feelings for Pete. The series ends with her death from falling off the restaurant roof, and being run over by a car. She becomes a ghost and Pete has to have sex with her to set her free.
Noah Grossman as Pete, Pork E. Pines' newest employee who develops a crush on Mads.
Season 2 was announced also in a trailer on March 28, 2016 and started on April 4, 2016. The last episode of Season 2 aired on May 30, 2016, which was also the last episode of the show.
Season 2
Season 2 was announced in a trailer on March 28, 2016, and premiered on April 4, 2016 with 'Office Warfare'. The season concluded on May 30, with 'Ghosted', what looks to be the final episode of the show.