Parsian County

Parsian County is a county in Hormozgan Province in Iran. The capital of the county is Parsian.
The name of this county, has been changed to Parsian county and Parsian city in 2007. At the 2006 census, the county's population was 37,369, in 7,972 families. The county is divided into two districts: the Central District, and Kushk-e Nar District. The county has three cities: Parsian, Kushk-e Nar & Dashti.

New Geographic Changes

Iranian Parliament has enacted a new law to separate Gavbandi County from Hormozgan Province and add to Fars Province. Joining Fars province will bring prosperity to this region. Recently, there have been some protests going on against this new law in Hormozgan province, since the new law will cut the direct access of Hormozgan to gas rich fields and industrial regions in nearby Bushehr province.