Papa Kristo Negovani

Papa Kristo Negovani, born Kristo Harallambi and also known as Kristo Negovani, was an Albanian nationalist figure, religious leader and writer.


Born in the village of Negovan, now part of Florina in Northern Greece, then Manastir Vilayet, Ottoman Empire, he pursued his secondary schooling in Athens, Greece and later emigrated to Brăila, Romania. There, he came into contact with the Albanian National Revival movement and attained Albanian national sentiments. In 1897, he returned to his native village and worked as a teacher and parish priest.
Negovani transformed his house into a school and taught over one hundred children and adults to read and write Albanian. He preached and introduced the Albanian language for the first time in Orthodox Divine Liturgy earning the displeasure of the Greek Orthodox hierarchy. For his efforts Negovani was murdered by a Greek guerilla band on orders from Bishop Karavangelis of Kastoria. Negovani's death aroused a nationalist response with the Albanian guerilla band of Bajo Topulli killing the Metropolitan of Korçë, Photios.


Negovani is the author of prose and poetry, including school texts, translations and fables. Among his publications are