Panta Rei (film)
Title: Panta Rei,
Film by Nisvet Hrustic
Production: June, 2005
Duration: 20 minutes
Country of production: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Genre: Documentary/Environmental/Ecology/Nature film
Web site:
- Jaipur - India 2008.
- Malescorto - Italy 2005.
-Nominee for Mediterranean Environmental Award 4th edition Almeria - Spain 2008.
Screenings or awards at festivals:
-5th KaraFilm Festival Karachi - Pakistan 2005.
-The 14th Tokyo Global Environmental Film Festival Screening of the environmental Film for Children in Tokyo - Japan 2005.
-East Silver 2006 Central and Eastern Documentary Film Market Prague - Czech Republic 2006.
-B-ucharEST International Film Festival Bucharest - Romania 2007.
-4th Mediterranean Environmental Award Almeria - Spain 2008.
-10th ECO-ETNO-FOLK Film Festival Slatioara - Romania 2008.
Reviews / News: