Panel Quiz Attack 25

Panel Quiz Attack 25 is a game show airing once weekly on the Asahi Broadcasting Corporation network in Japan. The program first aired on April 6, 1975.

Master of Ceremony

Four contestants, each designated by a different color, compete. The game is played on a grid of twenty-five numbered boxes in a manner similar to the game Reversi.
The first question is a puzzle that is shown on the video screen; the first player to buzz in with the correct answer is awarded the center #13 box. After this, the contestants are introduced. From this point on, players are referred to by their designated color.
From that point on, questions may take any of several forms, including general trivia, an audio question, or a video or picture question or puzzle. Players may buzz in at any time after the announcer begins reading the question. Buzzing in with the correct answer allows the player to capture one of the boxes on the game board. In addition, if by capturing a box, a player brackets one or more boxes held by opposing players, whether in the same row, column, or diagonal, the player steals those boxes.
When capturing a box, players must:
Any time a contestant answers a question incorrectly, other than on the first question or any puzzle, that player is locked out from answering for two questions. If a question was answered incorrectly, play ends on that question, and a new question is asked; on a puzzle, play continues until someone answers correctly.

Attack Chance

After twenty boxes are filled on the board, a bell rings, which signals the start of an "Attack Chance." The contestant who gives the next correct answer after the Attack Chance is announced captures a box as usual, then "attacks" any box held by an opponent. The box that is attacked is turned yellow, and can then be captured by any contestant as normal. If the contestant that won the Attack Chance is the only one with territory on the board, he or she must then attack his or her own box.

End of the Game

The game ends when the board is filled, or when time runs out. The contestant that holds the most boxes is declared the winner. If the game ends in a tie, the tied contestants play additional sudden-death questions until one of them gives a correct answer, thus winning the game. Each contestant wins an amount of money for each box they held at the end of the game. From 1975 to 1977, players received ¥2,000; over the years, the value increased to ¥4,000 per box, then ¥6,000, ¥8,000 and ¥10,000. However, if one contestant holds all 25 boxes, then their winnings are increased to ¥500,000. Along with the cash for each box, players also receive special prizes, along with a "performance fee" of ¥5,000, and the winning player is given a chance to win a vacation in the bonus game.

Bonus Round

The week's winner is shown a short film about an overseas travel destination; he or she is only able to view the film through those boxes that he or she has held at the end of the game. At the end of the film, the contestant has five seconds to identify the location. If successful, he or she wins a trip to that destination.
In more recent years, the object became identifying a famous person based on the film, and the trip on offer is announced beforehand.


Each year, a tournament is held in which some of the best-performing contestants are invited back for a chance to play again. The tournament is conducted in three stages.
In addition to the TV show, there is also a video game version that is played on the PlayStation and PlayStation 2. It follows the same rules as in the TV program.