Pamela W. Henderson is an author, entrepreneur, CEO, professor, and speaker in the area of business and marketing innovation. She founded NewEdge, an innovation strategy firm that utilizes design methodology to create new insight for business. The firm merged with a London-based design firm named The Brewery, led by Paul Stead, in 2010. The two companies currently work under the NewEdge title where Henderson serves as co-CEO along with Stead.
You Can Kill An Idea, But You Can't Kill An Opportunity: How to Discover New Sources of Growth for Your Organization, Wiley, 2013
“Impression Management Using Typeface Design” Pamela W. Henderson, Joan Giese, and Joseph A. Cote, Journal of Marketing, October 2004 Volume 68, 60-72.
“Assess your Competitors to Find Valuable Business Opportunities, Part 3” Chemistry and Industry, Issue 22, November 17, 2003.
“Building Strong Brands in Asia: Selecting the Visual Components of Image to Maximize Brand Strength,” Pamela W. Henderson, Joseph A. Cote, Siew Meng Leong, and Bernd Schmitt, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2003
“For Logos, Familiarity Breeds Similarity” Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2001, B12
“Guidelines for Selecting or Modifying Logos,” Pamela W. Henderson and Joe Cote, Journal of Marketing, 62 14-30.
“The Effect of Product-Level Standards of Comparison on Consumer Satisfaction,” Joan Giese, Joe Cote, and Pamela W. Henderson, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, Vol. 10, 15-25.
“Designing Recognizable Logos,” Pamela W. Henderson and Joseph Cote, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper, Report # 96-124.
“Improving the Store Environment: The Impact of Ambient Scent on Evaluations of and Behaviors in a Store,” Eric Spangenberg, Ayn Crowley and Pamela W. Henderson, Journal of Marketing, 60 67-80.
“A Relatively Unbiased Measure of Discrimination Ability,” Pamela W. Henderson and Bruce Buchanan, Marketing Science, 14 250-252.
“Measuring Misinformation in Repeat Trial Pick 1 of 2 Tests,” Pamela W. Henderson and Bruce Buchanan, Psychometrika, 57 615-619.
“Assessing the Bias of Preference, Detection, and Identification Measures of Discrimination Ability in Product Design,” Bruce Buchanan and Pamela W. Henderson, Marketing Science, 11 64-75.
“Mental Accounting and Categorization,” Pamela W. Henderson and Robert A. Peterson, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 51, 92-117.
“A Standardization Set of 195 Logos: Norms for Codability, Free Associations, Recognition, Affective Evaluations and Stimulus Characteristics,” Pamela W. Henderson, Marketing Science Institute Archive Publication, accepted, in preparation.
“A New Look at Organizational Transformation Using Systems Theory: An Application to Federal Contractors” David J. Lemak, Pamela W. Henderson, and Mike S. Wenger. Journal of Business Management.