Palmerah is a subdistrict of West Jakarta, Indonesia. The Subdistrict is roughly bounded by Jakarta-Merak Tollway to the north, Batusari - Rawa Belong Road to the west, Palmerah Barat - Palmerah Utara Road to the south, and Aipda K. Sasuit Tubun Road - Western Flood Canal to the east.
Jalan Letnan Jenderal S Parman and Jakarta Inner Ring Road Tollway, one of Jakarta's main artery, crosses the center of Palmerah Subdistrict.Kelurahan (Administrative Villages)
Palmerah is divided into six Kelurahan
- Slipi - area code 11410
- Kota Bambu Utara - area code 11420
- Kota Bambu Selatan - area code 11420
- Jatipulo - area code 11430
- Palmerah - area code 11480
- Kemanggisan - area code 11480
- Textile Museum
- Kompas Tower
- Pasar Palmerah