PFLAG China, founded in Guangzhou on June 28, 2008, is an NGO formed by LGBT individuals, their parents, friends and supporters to serve and support LGBT people. PFLAG China is an independent organization, named after the American organization called PFLAG.


PFLAG China holds a National LGBT Conference annually in different cities of China from 2009. The Conference provides a chance for LGBT people, their parents and friends to communicate together, help LGBT individuals to be accepted by parents and friends and improve their self-identity. The Conference also attracts more LGBT people, parents and friends to participate in LGBT Rights movement, and creates more healthy and dignified social environment.

400 Hotline

PFLAG China launched the first 400 hotline for LGBT people and their parents. It is answered by parents of gays and lesbians as well as psychiatrists in order to provide correct information and support to help them with their difficulties.