Pārijāta yoga

In Hindu astrology, the term, Pārijāta yoga refers to a yoga or planetary combination which is a Raja yoga. It is based on the Planetary Dispositor Principle. According to Parasara, Pārijāta yoga arises if the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the sign occupied by the dispositor of the lord of the lagna both, or if the lords of the navamsas occupied by these two lords are situated in a kendra or a trikona from the lagna-kendra in their own or exaltation signs.
The Sanskrit word pārijāta means "fragrance" or "night-flowering jasmine."


Pārijāta yoga is not a commonly occurring yoga, and in practice seen to occur alongside other favourable or unfavourable yogas. Parasara states that the person blessed with Pārijāta yoga will be fond of battles, kind-hearted, forgiving and generous, has faith in Dharma and Karmas, a proud possessor and enjoyer of wealth and comforts and the one who leads a royal life during his or her middle and last part of life.
Pārijāta yoga is an improved variation of Parvata yoga and Kahala yoga combined per first-half of Parasara’s description. Mantreswara in his Phaladeepika states that Parvata yoga arises if the lord of the sign occupied by the Lord of the Lagna is situated in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation in a kendrasthana or a trikonasthana, and Kāhala yoga arises if the dispositor of the lord of the sign occupied by the Lagna-lord is similarly placed. Parvata yoga gives everlasting happiness and excellent comforts, good conduct and deeds, and a kingdom to rule; Kahala yoga makes lead a good life, noble, kind and benevolent. Pārijāta or Supārijāta yoga is mentioned in Chapter VI Sloka 44 & 55 as the 11th of the twelve yogas that have been specifically named as resulting from the bhavas being occupied or aspected by benefics, their lords occupying good houses or being brilliant and in their exaltation or own sign. With any one of these three yogas occurring at the time of birth, then, as Janardan Harji in his Mansagari states Raja yoga results will certainly be experienced if the Shadavarga-wise strong lord of the lagna is in a kendra or a trikona or in the 11th house from a beneficially disposed lagna-kendra. Benefic planets situated in the 11th house or aspecting the 11th house give wealth earned or obtained through right and honest means, malefic planets similarly situated give wealth through illegal, unfair and dishonest means more often by causing pain or loss to others; if a benefic and a malefic planet conjoin in the 11th house or aspect that house then wealth is usually gained through fair and unfair means. If the lord of the 11th house not being combust occupies its own sign or exaltation sign in a gainful bhava and the 11th house is also aspected or occupied by a benefic planet then the very favourable Supārijāta or Pārijāta yoga as mentioned in Phaladeepika arises, the person will be wealthy, prosperous and successful. But, if the lord of the 11th house occupies a trikabhava, and malefic planets occupy or aspect the 11th house then a Daridra yoga will arise and the person will suffer losses, contract debts and experience difficulties, unhappiness and poverty; moreover, the lord of the 11th house in conjunction with another papa-graha does not produce good results. Supārijāta yoga will arise if the Moon is exalted in the 9th house and Venus or Mercury or Jupiter occupies the 11th house.
According to Sata Yoga Manjari, Pārijāta yoga arises if the dispositor of the lord of the 9th house is exalted and the lord of the lagna occupies a kendrasthana in conjunction with a benefic planet.

Notable personalities

Adolf Hitler

The Ruchaka yoga, Panch Mahapurusha yoga caused by Mars, in the 7th house from Libra lagna aspected by its lord, in the case of Adolf Hitler though marred by the presence of the Sun did give rise to the Pārijāta yoga but the Raja yoga effects did not last for very long because of Saturn in mutual aspect with Mars occupying the 10th house gave Hitler a spectacular rise and also an equally disgraceful fall from power.

Gautama Buddha

was blessed with Pārijāta yoga. At the time of his birth, the lord of the lagna, Moon, was in Libra in the 4th house from the lagna. Its dispositor, Venus, occupied the 10th house ruled by Mars. Venus was in its own navamsa, Taurus, and Mars in its exaltation navamsa, Capricorn. At the same time there was the occurrence of Pasa yoga that made him an ascetic, and of the Sanyasa yoga caused by five planets conjoining in the 10th house from Cancer lagna. The exalted Sun situated in the karmasthana as a constituent of the Sanyasa yoga made Buddha possess a strong Atman-shakti, he transformed the Vedic concept of the Triune-unity into Nirvana.