Outline of Rwanda

The Republic of Rwanda is a small landlocked sovereign country located in the Great Lakes region of east-central Africa, bordered by Uganda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania. Home to approximately 10.1 million people, Rwanda supports the densest population in continental Africa, with most of the population engaged in subsistence agriculture. A verdant country of fertile and hilly terrain, the small republic bears the title "Land of a Thousand Hills". The country attracted international concern for the infamous Rwandan genocide of 1994.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Rwanda:

General reference

Ecoregions of Rwanda

Districts of Rwanda

Demography of Rwanda

Government and politics of Rwanda

Executive branch of the government of Rwanda

Court system of Rwanda
The Republic of Rwanda is a member of:
Law of Rwanda
Local government in Rwanda

History of Rwanda

Sports in Rwanda