Otto Kade

Otto Kade was a German musicologist, organist, conductor and composer.

Life and career

Kade was born in Dresden. After graduating from the Kreuzschule, Kade studied harmony and counterpoint with the Kreuzkantor and Moritz Hauptmann in Dresden. A scholarship of the Saxon king Frederick Augustus II of Saxony enabled him to study further piano and organ with. With the support of his uncle, the coin engraver Reinhard Krüger, he could make a one-and-a-half year journey to Italy, on which he researched in music archives and among other things tracked down a mass by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina in a monastery library and brought it into a score.
In 1869 he was a co-founder and then a long-time author of the .
Kade died in Doberan at age 81.
