Osteomeles anthyllidifolia

Osteomeles anthyllidifolia, commonly called Ūlei, eluehe, uulei, Hawaiian rose, or Hawaiian hawthorn, is a species of flowering shrub in the rose family, Rosaceae, that is indigenous to Hawaii, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Pitcairn Island, and Rapa Iti, Taiwan and the Ryukyu islands of Japan.


Osteomeles anthyllidifolia grows as either an erect shrub that reaches or a spreading shrub. The compound leaves are alternately arranged on branches and divided into 15–25 leaflets. The small, oblong leaflets are long and wide. White flowers with five petals form clusters of three to six on the ends of branches. The fruit is white when ripe, in diameter, and contains yellow seeds that are in diameter.


Osteomeles anthyllidifolia can be found in dry to mesic forests, shrublands, coastal areas, and lava plains at elevations of. It is a ruderal species, able to effectively compete with other plants on disturbed sites.



The leaves and root bark are used on deep cuts; the seeds and buds are used as a laxative for children.


The wood of a mature Osteomeles anthyllidifolia is very strong, and Native Hawaiians used it to make ke ō with which they caught hee. Ihe pahee, ihe, ōō, hohoa ie kūkū, ūkēkē, and auamo were also made from the wood. Young, flexible O. anthyllidifolia branches were fashioned into the hoops of aei. These were bag nets that were used in conjunction with kalo as bait to catch schools of ōpelu. The fruit is edible and was used to make a lavender dye.