Orders, decorations, and medals of Kosovo

State decorations of the Republic of Kosovo are regulated by the Law on Decorations. Decorations are divided into three grades: orders, medals and commemorative medals. The President also bestows the title of Honorary Ambassador of Kosovo to people who have made extraordinary contributions to the Republic of Kosovo. This is an honor bestowed very rarely with only eight recipients in the history of the Republic.
The orders, decorations and medals are awarded by the President of Kosovo, though nominations might come from: Chairman of the Assembly, Prime Minister, President of the Supreme Court and the Electoral College, Chief Prosecutor of Kosovo, Minister, Chief of General Staff, General Director of Police, President of the Municipal Assembly, President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Honorary Titles

  1. Honorary Ambassador of Kosovo


  2. Hero of Kosovo Order
  3. Order of Freedom
  4. The Order of Independence


  5. Presidential Medal of Merits
  6. Medal of Merit


  7. Military Medal for Service in Kosovo