Ordered algebra

In mathematics, an ordered algebra is an algebra over the real numbers with unit e together with an associated order such that e is positive, the product of any two positive elements is again positive, and when A is considered as a vector space over then it is an Archimedean ordered vector space.


Let A be an ordered algebra with unit e and let C* denote the cone in A* of all positive linear forms on A.
If f is a linear form on A such that f = 1 and f generates an extreme ray of C* then f is multiplicative.


Stone's Algebra Theorem: Let A be an ordered algebra with unit e such that e is an order unit in A, let A* denote the algebraic dual of A, and let K be the weak-* topology|-compact set of all multiplicative positive linear forms satisfying f = 1. Then under the evaluation map, A is isomorphic to a dense subalgebra of. If in addition every positive sequence of type l1 in A is order summable then A together with the Minkowski functional pe is isomorphic to the Banach algebra.