Order-4 hexagonal tiling

In geometry, the order-4 hexagonal tiling is a regular tiling of the hyperbolic plane. It has Schläfli symbol of.


This tiling represents a hyperbolic kaleidoscope of 6 mirrors defining a regular hexagon fundamental domain. This symmetry by orbifold notation is called *222222 with 6 order-2 mirror intersections. In Coxeter notation can be represented as , removing two of three mirrors. Adding a bisecting mirror through 2 vertices of a hexagonal fundamental domain defines a trapezohedral *4422 symmetry. Adding 3 bisecting mirrors through the vertices defines *443 symmetry. Adding 3 bisecting mirrors through the edge defines *3222 symmetry. Adding all 6 bisectors leads to full *642 symmetry.

  • 222222
  • 443
  • 3222
  • 642
  • Uniform colorings

    There are 7 distinct uniform colorings for the order-4 hexagonal tiling. They are similar to 7 of the uniform colorings of the square tiling, but exclude 2 cases with order-2 gyrational symmetry. Four of them have reflective constructions and Coxeter diagrams while three of them are undercolorings.

    Related polyhedra and tiling

    This tiling is topologically related as a part of sequence of regular tilings with hexagonal faces, starting with the hexagonal tiling, with Schläfli symbol, and Coxeter diagram, progressing to infinity.
    This tiling is also topologically related as a part of sequence of regular polyhedra and tilings with four faces per vertex, starting with the octahedron, with Schläfli symbol, and Coxeter diagram, with n progressing to infinity.