Optional stopping theorem

In probability theory, the optional stopping theorem says that, under certain conditions, the expected value of a martingale at a stopping time is equal to its initial expected value. Since martingales can be used to model the wealth of a gambler participating in a fair game, the optional stopping theorem says that, on average, nothing can be gained by stopping play based on the information obtainable so far. Certain conditions are necessary for this result to hold true. In particular, the theorem applies to doubling strategies.
The optional stopping theorem is an important tool of mathematical finance in the context of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing.


A discrete-time version of the theorem is given below:
Let be a discrete-time martingale and a stopping time with values in, both with respect to a filtration. Assume that one of the following three conditions holds:
Then is an almost surely well defined random variable and
Similarly, if the stochastic process is a submartingale or a supermartingale and one of the above conditions holds, then
for a submartingale, and
for a supermartingale.


Under condition it is possible that happens with positive probability. On this event is defined as the almost surely existing pointwise limit of , see the proof below for details.


Let denote the stopped process, it is also a martingale. Under condition or , the random variable is well defined. Under condition the stopped process is bounded, hence by Doob's martingale convergence theorem it converges a.s. pointwise to a random variable which we call.
If condition holds, then the stopped process is bounded by the constant random variable. Otherwise, writing the stopped process as
gives for all, where
By the monotone convergence theorem
If condition holds, then this series only has a finite number of non-zero terms, hence is integrable.
If condition holds, then we continue by inserting a conditional expectation and using that the event is known at time , hence
where a representation of the expected value of non-negative integer-valued random variables is used for the last equality.
Therefore, under any one of the three conditions in the theorem, the stopped process is dominated by an integrable random variable. Since the stopped process converges almost surely to  , the dominated convergence theorem implies
By the martingale property of the stopped process,
Similarly, if is a submartingale or supermartingale, respectively, change the equality in the last two formulas to the appropriate inequality.