Ophionereis schayeri

Ophionereis schayeri, Schayer's brittle star, is a brittle star in the family Ophionereididae.
Schayer's Brittle Star is found off the coast of Australia. Areas include New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. Schayer's Brittlestar is the largest and most common brittle star found near Sydney. A filter feeder from sand and mud from the ocean floor on detritus and plankton.
The central disk is up to 2.5 centimetres wide, with arms to 15 centimetres long. The depth range is from the inter-tidal zone to 180 metres below sea level. This brittle star may be found under boulders in tidal areas. It moves quickly away from light when exposed. In places with hot spots, O. schayeri will form clusters under boulders in rocky reef habitats. Under these boulders, they scavenge for food by extending their arms out at night.