Onthophagus is a genus of dung beetles in the Onthophagini tribe of the wider scarab beetle family, Scarabaeidae. It is the most species-rich and widespread genus in the subfamily Scarabaeinae, with a global distribution.Etymology
The Genus name derives from the Greek onthos, meaning dung, and phagos, meaning eater.Taxonomy
This genus includes more than 20 subgenera and over 2,100 species. Some of the subgenera are now widely recognized as genera.Selected species
- Onthophagus melitaeus
- Onthophagus furcatus
- Onthophagus illyricus
- Onthophagus taurus
- Onthophagus binodis
- Onthophagus albarracinus
- Onthophagus angorensis
- Onthophagus baraudi
- Onthophagus coenobita
- Onthophagus cruciatus
- Onthophagus dellacasai
- Onthophagus excisus
- Onthophagus fissicornis
- Onthophagus fracticornis
- Onthophagus gazella
- Onthophagus gibbulus
- Onthophagus grossepunctatus
- Onthophagus joannae
- Onthophagus kindermanni
- Onthophagus kolenatii
- Onthophagus latigena
- Onthophagus lemur
- Onthophagus leucostigma
- Onthophagus lucidus
- Onthophagus macedonicus
- Onthophagus marginalis
- * Onthophagus marginalis andalusicus
- * Onthophagus marginalis marginalis
- Onthophagus massai
- Onthophagus merdarius
- Onthophagus nuchicornis
- Onthophagus opacicollis
- Onthophagus ovatus
- Onthophagus panici
- Onthophagus ponticus
- Onthophagus ruficapillus
- Onthophagus semicornis
- Onthophagus sericatus
- Onthophagus similis
- Onthophagus stylocerus
- Onthophagus suturellus
- Onthophagus tesquorum
- Onthophagus trigibber
- Onthophagus vacca
- Onthophagus verticicornis
- Onthophagus vitulus
- Onthophagus emarginatus
- Onthophagus nigellus
- Onthophagus punctatus
- Onthophagus hirtus
- Onthophagus maki