
The Omoloy is a river in Siberia, flowing into the Laptev Sea east of the river Lena. It is long, and has a drainage basin of. Administratively the basin of the Omoloy is part of the Sakha administrative region of Russia.
The now extinct Beringian steppe bison used to have its habitat in the area of the Omoloy.


It flows northwards across the tundra along a valley limited by the Sietinden Range to the west and the Kular Range to the east. Both ranges are part of the Verkhoyansk Range system.
The Omoloy flows into the Laptev Sea. Its mouth is located in the eastern coast of the Buor-Khaya Gulf. The Omoloy freezes up in October and stays under ice until late May or early June.
Its main tributaries are the Kuranakh-Yuryakh and the Arga-Yuryakh ; both join the Omoloy from its left side more than halfway down its course.