
Omanoor is a village in the Malappuram district, Kerala, India.
The village is in Cheekode Panchayath. There have LP, UP, HSS in this village, and most of the people are daily workers. Omanoor has many historical mythologies.


Omanoor is located on the main road from Kondotty to Edavannappara.

Villages and Suburbs

  1. Omanoor Suhad Islamic Complex
  2. Govt. vetinery Hospital
  3. Govt. Primary Health Centre
  4. Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary school
  5. Village Office
  6. Govt. Homeo Hospital
  7. Maveli store
  8. Kerala Gramin Bank
  9. Cheekode service cooperative bank
  10. Misriya women's college, Omanur
  11. AMLPS omanur
  12. UAHMUPS Omanur
  13. TMSEM LPS Omanur

    Prominent People

Omanoor village connects to other parts of India through Feroke town on the west and Nilambur town on the east. National highway No.66 passes through Kondotty and the northern stretch connects to Goa and Mumbai. The southern stretch connects to Cochin and Trivandrum. State Highway No.28 starts from Nilambur and connects to Ooty, Mysore and Bangalore through Highways.12,29 and 181. The nearest airport is at Kozhikode. There is no railway station near to omanoor in less than 10 km. How ever Kozhikode and Feroke are the major railway station which is almost 22 KM near to Omanoor
Nearest Bus station Kondotty. and Edavannappara.
Airport: Calicut international airport with 10 Km Nearest

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