Olumbe Bassir was a Sierra Leonean scientist, author and academia. His primary contributions to research were in the areas of aflatoxins, nutrition, and peace research.
He spent most of his professional career at the University of Ibadan, where he founded the Biochemistry and Microbiology departments. He laid the foundation of what became the first medical school in West Africa. By 1958, he was already a full professor. His academic specialty was nutrition and biochemical toxicology. He was at various times Head of those two departments, Dean of faculty and also served as acting Vice Chancellor. He had written at least 250 professional papers by 1972 when University of London conferred the coveted doctor of science degree on him. He had performed very successful lecture tours in the then Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America among others. Olumbe Bassir was the author of several books. His 1957 book Anthology of West African Verse was seminal in introducing written African poetry to Western audiences. His other popular books include Handbook of Practical Biochemistry and Metabolism of Afflatoxins and other Mycotoxins. In 1968, he formed a partnership with Tecwyn Williams through the British Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas. The programme's research division helped developed the Drug Metabolism and Biochemical Toxicology research program at Ibadan and contributed in fostering interest and making interesting findings in animal nutritional habits. After retiring from the University of Ibadan, he remained active for several years, continuing to act as editor of the West African Journal of Biology and Applied Chemistry. He also served as chairman of the Welcome Nigeria Fund, which became the Bassir-Thomas Biomedical Foundation in the early 1990s. He also regularly organised the annual Open House Colloquim.
His name "Olumbe" means "God exists" in Yoruba. He married Constance while in the UK and Modesola while in Nigeria. He had 10 children. In 2000, he suffered a blood clot in the brain due to a traumatic injury to the head. Despite successful surgery and recuperation he died at Ibadan on May 23, 2001.
Selected publications
1979 - Effect of glyphosate on rat liver mitochondriain vivo.
1979 - The uncoupling effect of N- glycine on isolated rat liver mitochondria.
1978 - Hepatocarcinogens in Nigerian foodstuffs.
1978 - Occurrence of nitrate, nitrite, dimethylamine, and dimethylnitrosamine in some fermented Nigerian beverages.
1976 - Effect of cooking on the vitamin C content of fresh leaves and wilted leaves.