The Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Republic of Serbia is a cooperation body of the Government of Serbia. It was constituted on 23 April 2010. According to its mandate, Office should provide the support to the CSOs in the process of the defining and implementing legislative procedures altogether with public policies, and thereby contributing to a positive pressure on the governmental institutions.
Organization and jurisdiction
The director is in charge of the Office, and is appointed by the Government of Serbia. The mandate of the director is 5 years. Current director is Ivana Ćirković. The jurisdiction of the Office is established by its statute:
Participating in the drafting and implementation of strategic documents pertaining to creating an enabling environment conducive to civil society development;
Initiating the adoption of regulations and other general legal instruments governing the status of associations and other civil society organizations, as the foundation for building a society based on democracy, inclusion and solidarity;
Participating in the drafting of consolidated reports to the Government on the expenditure of funds that have been provided and paid to associations and other civil society organizations from the Republic of Serbia Budget in support of their programme activities;
Organizing round-table discussions and conferences;
Issuing publications and undertaking other measures and activities aimed at upgrading the capacities and raising the sustainability of associations’ and other civil society organizations’ operation and actions;
Collecting and disseminating information relevant to associations’ and other civil society organizations’ operation;
Conducting technical affairs pertaining to cooperation and exchange of experiences with similar governmental institutions in the region, European Union member states and the world;
Cooperating with competent authorities in the conduct of affairs pertaining to the programming and management of European Union pre-accession and other funds for the support to civil society;
Drafting of the preparation of acts which government supervises, directs and coordinates the activities of the ministries and special organizations that are related to issues of civil society and government cooperation with civil society;