Office des professions du Québec

The Office des professions du Québec, abbreviated to abbreviation OPQ, is an autonomous and extrabudgetary governmental organization with a defined mandate by the Professional Code of Quebec. The OPQ reports to the Minister of Justice, who is, by Order in Council, the Minister responsible for the administration of professional legislation. The OPQ is a Quebec body responsible for ensuring that the professions are exercised and develop by offering the public a guarantee of competence and integrity.
In 2017, the "Office des professions du Québec" supervises 46 professional orders and 54 professions. As of March 31, 2016, OPQ is composed of 385 205 professionals, including 39.0% of men and 61.0% of women. The "Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec" had 74,206 members, the "Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec" 62,068 members and the "Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec" 37,963 members.
The financing of the OPQ's expenses is assumed by the individual annual contributions fixed by the government and collected by the orders from their members.

Organization Chart

The Board of Directors of the OPQ is composed of five members. The mandate of the Board is defined by section 12 of the Professional Code of Quebec. Since August 27, 1999, members of the Board have been subject to a code of ethics and professional deontology.
The OPQ's services are based on the following administrative units: the Office of the President, the Legal Affairs Directorate, the Research and Analysis Directorate and the Administrative Services Directorate. Finally, the Professional Code of Quebec established the position of Complaints Commissioner with respect to the mechanisms for the recognition of professional competencies and the Office of the Chairpersons of the Disciplinary Councils of the professional orders.

Mission of the OPQ

The OPQ ensures that each professional order ensures the protection of the public. This mission is exercised through the supervision of the exercise of professions and their development, offering the public guarantees of competence and integrity. Together with the Ordre and the Conseil Interprofessionnel du Québec, the OPQ contributes to building public and institutional confidence in the professional system.
In summary, to carry out its mission, the OPQ:
The Agency, a government agency striving for excellence, promotes innovation, creativity, human resource development and teamwork. In consultation with its partners, the Office seeks coherence in its work.

Professions subject to OPQ

The Professional Code of Quebec establishes two types of professions: those of exclusive exercise and those reserved. In the case of a profession of exclusive exercise, only the members of the order can carry out the activities and carry the title that the law reserves to them. The Government of Quebec has established 25 professional laws which give members of specific professions the exclusive right to carry out their exclusive activities.
Exclusive professions each have their own law which defines, among other things, professional activities that are strictly reserved for the members of the Order.
Furthermore, only members of the professions on a reserved basis have the right to use the professional title. However, members of a reserved Order are not exclusively engaged in professional activities, with the exception of certain occupations in the health field.
Roles of Professional Orders
The main role of each of the professional orders subject to the supervision of the OPQ is to: ensure, in their specific field, that professionals offer services that meet standards of quality and integrity of the profession. In order to fulfill the important statutory mandate, each professional order has a number of powers that provide guarantees for the protection of the public and ensure the quality of professional services. The role of a professional association is rather to promote the socio-economic interests and well-being of its members.
The roles and responsibilities of the professional orders are:
  1. Control the competence and integrity of its members;
  2. Monitoring the practice of the profession;
  3. Regulate the practice of the profession;
  4. Manage the disciplinary process;
  5. Promote the development of the profession;
  6. Control the illegal practice of the profession and the usurpation of the title.
Each professional order is required to produce an annual report of its activities. This report shall be made public as soon as it is presented to the general meeting of members. The Minister responsible for the application of the professional laws then files this report with the National Assembly of Quebec.

List of Professional Orders in Quebec

The 46 regulated Professional Orders and 54 professions in Quebec are:
Professional OrderFrench titleEnglish titleAbbreviation
Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec AcupunteurAcupuncturistAc.
Ordre des Administrateurs Agréés du Québec Administrateur agréé, conseiller en management certifiéChartered Administrator, Certified Management AdvisorAdm.A., C.M.C.,
Ordre des agronomes du Québec AgronomeAgrologist
Ordre des architectes du Québec ArchitecteArchitect
Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec Arpenteur-géomètreLand Surveyor
Ordre des audioprothésistes du Québec AudioprothésisteHearing-Aid Acoustician
Barreau du Québec Maître, avocat, conseiller en loi, conseiller juridique, membre du Barreau, avocat à la retraite, procureurAdvocate, solicitor, legal adviser, member of the Bar, retired advocate, attorneyMe, Mtre
Ordre des chimistes du Québec Chimiste, chimiste professionnelChemist, Professional Chemist
Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec Chiropraticien, docteurChiropractor, doctor
Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec Comptable professionnel agréé ou ce titre suivi de l’un des suivants: comptable agréé, comptable général accrédité, comptable en management accrédité ou auditeur/auditrice, expert-comptableChartered Professional Accountant ou ce titre suivi de l’un des suivants : chartered accountant, certified general accountant, certified management accountant ou auditor professional accountant, public accountantCPA; CPA, CA; CPA, CGA; CPA, CMA
Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec Conseiller d’orientation/conseillère d’orientation, orienteur professionnel, orienteurVocational Guidance Counsellor, Guidance CounsellorC. O., C.O.P., O.P.,,
Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés du Québec Conseiller en ressources humaines agréé, conseiller en relations industrielles agrééCertified Human Resources Professional, Certified Industrial Relations CounsellorC.R.I., C.R.I.A., C.R.H.A.,,,
Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec CriminologueCriminologistcrim.,
Ordre des dentistes du Québec Dentiste, docteurDentist, doctorDr
Ordre des denturologistes du Québec DenturologisteDenturologist
Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec Diététiste, diététicien, nutritionnisteDietician, dietitian, nutritionist
Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec ErgothérapeuteOccupational Therapisterg.,,
Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec Évaluateur agréé, estimateur agrééChartered Appraiser, Chartered AssessorE.A.,
Ordre des géologues du Québec GéologueGeologist
Chambre des huissiers de justice du Québec Huissier, huissier de justiceBaillif, court bailiff
Ordre des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec Hygiéniste dentaireDental HygienistH.D.,,
Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec Infirmière/infirmierNurse
Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires du Québec Infirmière auxiliaire/infirmier auxiliaireNursing Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurseinf. aux., I.A., I.A.D., I.A.L.,,,,
Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec IngénieurEngineer
Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec Ingénieur forestierForest engineer
Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec
Collège des médecins du Québec Médecin, docteurPhysician, doctorDr
Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec Médecin vétérinaire, docteurVeterinary surgeon, doctorDr
Chambre des notaires du Québec Notaire, conseiller juridique, notaire public, MaîtreNotary, legal adviser, title attorney or notary publicMtre, Me
Ordre des opticiens d’ordonnances du Québec Opticien d’ordonnances, opticienDispensing optician, optician
Ordre des optométristes du Québec Optométriste, docteur, docteur en optométrieOptometrist, doctor, doctor in optometryDr
Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec Orthophoniste, AudiologisteSpeech Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiologist
Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec Pharmacien, docteurPharmacist, doctor
Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec Physiothérapeute, Thérapeute en réadaptation physique, thérapeute en physiothérapie, technicien en réadaptation physique/ technicienne en réadaptation physique, technicien en physiothérapie/technicienne en physiothérapiePhysiotherapist, Physical Therapist, Physical Rehabilitation Therapist, Physiotherapy Therapist, Physical Rehabilitation Technician, Physiotherapy Technicianpht, ; T.R.P.,
Ordre des podiatres du Québec Podiatre, docteurPodiatrist, doctorDr
Ordre des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec Psychoéducateur/psychoéducatricePsychoeducatorps. éd.,
Ordre des psychologues du Québec Psychologue, docteur, psychothérapeute27Psychologist, doctor, psychotherapistDr
Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec Sage-femmeMidwife
Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec SexologueSexologist
Ordre des techniciens et techniciennes dentaires du Québec Technicien dentaire, technicienne dentaireDental TechnicianT.D., T.D.C.,,
Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec Technologiste médicalMedical Technologist, Registered, T.M.,,
Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec Technologue en imagerie médicale, Technologue en radio-oncologie, Technologue en électrophysiologie médicaleMedical imaging technologist, Radiation oncology technologist, Medical electrophysiology technologist
Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec Technologue des sciences appliquées, technologue professionnel, technicien professionnelApplied Sciences Technologist, Professional Technologist, Professional TechnicianT.Sc.A., T.P.,,
Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec Traducteur agréé/traductrice agree, terminologue agréé/terminologue agree, interprète agréé/interprète agrééeCertified Translator, Certified Terminologist, Certified Interpretertrad.a., ; term.a., ; int.a.,
Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec Travailleur social/travailleuse sociale, thérapeute conjugal et familial/thérapeute conjugale et familiale, thérapeute conjugal/thérapeute conjugale, thérapeute familial/thérapeute familialeSocial worker, marriage and family therapist, marriage therapist, family therapist.T.S.P., T.S.,,
T.C.F., T.C., T.F.,,,
Ordre des urbanistes du Québec UrbanisteUrbanist, Town Planner, City Plannerurb.

External administrators within professional orders

In accordance with the Professional Code of Quebec, the OPQ appoints between 2 and 4 directors outside the Board of Directors of each of the professional orders. These appointments are selected from a list of people registered at the nominating bank to represent the public. During fiscal year 2015-2016, 61% of these outside directors are not members of any professional order.


In Quebec, professional corporations of notaries, doctors and lawyers were the first to be constituted in the mid-nineteenth century, at the beginning of the era of urbanization and industrialization of Quebec society. These initial clusters were designed to protect clients in the absence of training standards and professional practices. These groupings were also aimed at countering impostors improvising as experts, sharing expertise, developing instrumentation and establishing standards of professional practice.
During the 1960s and 1970s, members of several new professions aspired to be recognized and the legislations governing occupations were disparate, calling into question the professional supervision in Quebec. On November 9, 1966, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council set up a commission to examine the professional system, to investigate the whole field of health and social welfare in Quebec.
In a section of the report entitled "Professions and Society" published in the summer of 1970 on the very foundations of the notion of profession, the "Commission of Inquiry on Health and Welfare" noted the change in the liberal professions and mentioned the traditional professional corporatism which prevented it from adapting to economic and social transformations. The report recommends an important reorganization of the professional organization in Quebec beyond the scope of the health and social services professions. As a result of this report, in 1973, the Government of Quebec passed the "Professional Code" and 23 other bills to govern an exclusive practice.
In July 1973, the articles of the Professional Code of Quebec relating to the Conseil Interprofessionnel du Québec entered into force and in September 1973 for the articles relating to the Office des professions du Québec. The majority of the other articles will be in force on 1 February 1974. Any Professional Order in operation on February 1, 1974 was to adopt a new regulation before February 1, 1975, adapted to the new professional legislation. As early as February 1974, the chairpersons of disciplinary committees were appointed to the committees that were in operation; the OPQ encourages orders to complete their discipline committee and to appoint their respective trustee. The delimitations of the electoral regions of the orders become linked to those of the administrative regions of Quebec.
The new Professional Code of Quebec subjected all orders to common organizational principles adapted to the conditions of contemporary society and to the current needs of users of professional services. From now on, the State may establish professional associations, in particular, by entrusting them with the mandate to protect the public with respect to certain activities that involve risks of harm to physical, psychological and patrimonial integrity. Each constituted order regulates and monitors the practice of professional activities.
Historically, in Quebec, most professional bodies have made the match between the interests of the members and the interest of the public. The adoption of the Professional Code of Quebec clearly gave professional corporations the mission of protecting the public in the practice of the profession. Furthermore, members'interests will be assured by professional associations. The legislator then provided for a periodic professional inspection mechanism. The mission of protecting the public assumed by the professional corporations was then divided into two parts:
List of presidents of OPQ: Mr René Dussault, André Desgagné, Thomas J. Mulcair, Robert Diamant, Jean-K. Samson, Gaétan Lemoyne and Jean-Paul Dutrisac.
List of Vice-Presidents of the OPQ: Jean-Marie Dionne, Louis Roy, Sylvie de Grandmont, Christiane Gagnon.
List of Ministers responsible for the enforcement of professional laws: Claude Castonguay, Fernand Lalonde, Bernard Lachapelle, Jacques-Yvan Morin, Camille Laurin, Yves Bérubé, Claude Ryan, Pierre Fortier, Raymond Savoie, Jacques Chagnon, Paul Bégin, Serge Ménard, Linda Goupil, Paul Bégin, Normand Jutras, Marc Bellemare, Jacques P. Dupuis, Yvon Marcoux, Jacques P. Dupuis, Kathleen Weil, Jean-Marc Fournier, Bertrand Saint-Arnaud, Stéphanie Lavallée.

Professional Inspection within each Professional Orders

Within each professional order, the professional inspection of the professional practice of the members proves to be a mechanism for education, prevention and awareness.
Each professional order shall have a professional inspection committee which is composed of at least three members of the Order appointed by the Board of Directors of each Order. The main roles of these committees relate to monitoring the application of deontological and ethical rules governing the practice of the profession. The interventions of these committees contribute in particular to the control of the competences of the members.
A professional inspection committee shall in particular inspect the professional records kept by their respective members, books, registers, medicines, poisons, products, substances, apparatus and equipment used in the practice of the profession, and the audit of property entrusted to them by their clients or another person.