
Odnoklassniki, OK.ru is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is especially used in Russia and former Soviet Republics. The site was developed by Albert Popkov and launched on March 4, 2006.
The website currently has more than 200 million registered users and 45 million daily unique visitors. Users have to be at least seven years old to create an account. Odnoklassniki also currently has an Alexa Internet traffic ranking of 56 worldwide and 7 for Russia. Revenues in the first quarter of 2008 for Odnoklassniki amounted to $3.3 million. Odnoklassniki is the second most popular social network in Russia, behind VK but ahead of Facebook which is in 3rd place.



In May 2017, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree to impose a ban on Mail.ru and its widely-used social networks including VKontakte and Odnoklassniki as part of its continued sanctions on Russia for its annexation of Crimea and involvement in the War in Donbass. The move was widely criticised as censorship, and Reporters Without Borders condemned the ban, calling it a "disproportionate measure that seriously undermines the Ukrainian people’s right to information and freedom of expression." Respondents in an online poll on the UNIAN site declared that 66% were “categorically against” the ban of Russian sites and another 11% said it would be easier to “ban the whole internet, like in North Korea”.
According to the Internet Association of Ukraine the share of Ukrainian Internet users who visit Odnoklassniki daily had fallen from 35% to 10% from September 2016 to September 2019.

Paid registration and services

From October 2008 to September 2010, only a limited functionality account could be registered for free. In this version it is impossible to post, upload and rate photos, leave comments in forums and visit other users' pages. In order to use these features, a paid short message had to be sent. In addition, the site provides a number of paid services: deleting ratings and good ratings of their photos, disabling the message that the user is online, providing a wide range of smiles.
Currently, it is free to delete ratings of your photos as well as guests from your watch list.
On August 31, 2010, social network management canceled paid registration. The official reason was "developing new effective ways to combat spammers".
In February 2016, the social network, together with its partner bank VTB 24, introduced the ability to make money transfers between users of the network. Transfers are made between MasterCard, Maestro, Visa payment cards issued by Russian banks and linked to user profiles.

Awards and recognition

The site is particularly popular among users in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia.


The server that hosts odnoklassniki.ru is located in Moscow, Russia on the Golden Telecom network. The programming language used on the site is Java and the main language used for the site's textual content is Russian. The site uses the Apache Tomcat web server.