October 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - October 23
All fixed commemorations below celebrated on November 4 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.
For October 22nd, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on October 9.Saints
- Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Abercius, Bishop and Wonderworker, of Hierapolis
- Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop, and Martyrs Heraclius, Anna, Elizabeth, Theodota, and Glyceria, at Adrianople
- The Holy Seven Youths of Ephesus
- Martyr Theodoret, at Antioch
- Venerables Lot and Rufus, of Egypt
- Saint Eulavios, Bishop of Lambousa.
Pre-Schism Western saints
- Saint Philip of Fermo, Bishop and martyr of Fermo in Italy
- Saint Mellonius, first Bishop of Rouen
- Saint Nepotianus, Bishop of Clermont in France
- Saint Verecundus, Bishop of Verona in Italy
- Saint Simplicius, a disciple of St Benedict and third Abbot of Montecassino
- Saint Maroveus, a monk at Bobbio Abbey and founder of the monastery of Precipiano near Tortona in Italy
- Saint Nunctus, Abbot of a monastery near Mérida in the west of Spain, murdered by robbers and venerated as a martyr
- Saint Moderan, Bishop of Rennes, then became a hermit in Berceto in Italy
- Saint Benedict of Macerac, a Greek abbot who fled from Petras and settled in Macerac near Nantes in France
- Saints Nunilo and Alodia, two sisters, a pair of child-martyrs from Huesca in Spain
- Saint Bertharius, a Benedictine abbot of Monte Cassino, martyred together with several of his monks by invading Saracens
- Saint Donatus of Fiesole, born in Ireland, he went on pilgrimage to Rome and became Bishop of Fiesole near Florence in Italy
Post-Schism Orthodox saints
- Saints Theodore and Paul, Abbots, of Rostov
- Saint Gregory of Methoni, Bishop of Methoni in Greece and Ethnomartyr
- Saint George the New Confessor, of Drama, Greece
New Martys and Confessors
- New Hieromartyrs:
- New Hieromartyrs Nicholas Bogoslovsky and Nicholas Ushakov, Priests
- New Hieromartyr Gregory, Abbot, of Koprino, Yaroslavl
Other commemorations
- The Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
- Icons of the Mother of God "Andronikos" and "Jacobstadt"
- Repose of Monk Joseph the Silent, of Kuban
- Repose of Metropolitan Nestor of Kamchatka and Petropavlovsk
- Repose of Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky
- Uncovering of the relics of New Hieromartyr Nikodim, Bishop of Belgorod
Icon gallery