Ocampo (surname)

Ocampo is a surname of Galician origin. It derives from a common Galician toponym meaning 'the field', from the Galician definite article o + campo 'field', or a habitational name, from a town of the same name in Lugo, Galicia.

Geographical distribution

As of 2014, 25.2% of all known bearers of the surname Ocampo were residents of the Philippines, 21.9% of Mexico, 21.9% of Colombia, 10.6% of Argentina, 5.7% of the United States, 2.0% of Paraguay, 1.8% of Peru, 1.7% of Ecuador, 1.6% of Nicaragua, 1.2% of Honduras, 1.1% of Bolivia, 1.1% of Costa Rica and 1.0% in Spain.
In Spain, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following autonomous communities:
In Colombia, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following departments: