O Yuki Conjugate

O Yuki Conjugate are an English post-industrial/ambient musical group founded in 1982 in Nottingham by Roger Horberry and Andrew Hulme and still - intermittently - active today. Their music has been variously described as 'ambient', 'fourth world', 'ethnic', 'tribal' and 'dark wave'; the band prefer to call it 'dirty ambient'. They are currently in their fourth incarnation based around Horberry and Hulme. Previous members include Clare Elliot, Tim Horberry, Malcolm McGeorge, Dan Mudford, Pete Woodhead and Rob Jenkins, with Joe Gardiner contributing sax.
Originally inspired by the spirit and sound of post-punk, they soon started pioneering their own brand of ambient at a time when few people were interested in such a low-key approach. Their debut album 'Scene In Mirage' perfectly encapsulated their position: one side was beat driven and 'electronic', the other side was 'organic' and made up of ambient soundscapes. Today their approach to music-making is deliberately eclectic, combining high tech editing, low tech electronics and found instrumentation.
In May 2017, following a lengthy period of hibernation, OYC released a new album called 'Tropic', essentially two long pieces generated out of material recorded during the Equator sessions almost 20 years earlier. As such it is an excellent example of OYC's self-described "wilfully obscure" approach.

Partial discography