
OTcl usually refers to an object oriented extension of Tcl created by David Wetherall at MIT. It is used in network simulator and usually run under Unix environment. This was later extended into XOTcl.
OTcl may also refer to the unrelated IXI Object Tcl extension by Dean Sheenan.
These object Tcl extensions predate the more popular incr Tcl.

Syntax Introduction

The reserved word Class is used to represent class and method of class are declared using word instproc. The variable self is pointer to the class it is used in and is equivalent to variable this of C++/Java. The keyword -superclass is used for defining hierarchy. For example, Class Son -superclass Father means that class Son inherits from class Father. To create an instance of class son we can write set new_inst . Following is a simple example of code.

Class HelloWorld
HelloWorld instproc hello
set helloworld
//to run

$helloworld hello


TclCL is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play, ns, and nam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl.