Nyakach Constituency

Nyakach is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of seven constituencies of Kisumu County. The constituency has nine wards, all electing councillors for the Nyando County Council.
The constituency was established for the 1966 elections, when it was split from the Nyando Constituency. It was one of three constituencies of the former Nyando District.

Members of Parliament

1966Cleopas Ondiek Chillo MigudaKANU
1969James Dennis AkumuKANUOne-party system
1974Samson OdoyoKANUOne-party system
1979Ojwang' K’OmbudoKANUOne-party system
1983Ojwang' K’OmbudoKANUOne-party system.
1988Ojwang' K’OmbudoKANUOne-party system.
1992James Dennis AkumuFord-K
1997Peter Ochieng' OdoyoNDP
2002Peter Ochieng' OdoyoNARC
2007Pollyins Ochieng' AnyangoODM
2013Joshua Aduma OwuorODM
2017Joshua Aduma OwuorODM

County Assembly Wards

Area (sq.km)