Nur al-Din Madrasa

The Nur al-Din Madrasa is a funerary madrasa in Damascus, Syria. It is in the Suq al-Khayattin, inside the city walls. It was built in 1167 by Nūr ad-Dīn Zangī, atabeg of Syria, who is buried there. The complex includes a mosque, a madrasa, and the mausoleum of the founder. It was the first such complex to be built in Damascus.
The tomb-madrasa complex has two domes, first and the taller one is the oldest of the two and is over the tomb of Nur al-Din Zangi and the second, smaller muqarnas dome, similar to the dome of Nur al-Din's mausoleum belongs to the tomb of governor of Damascus Amir Djamal al-Din.