Nuclear Management Company

Nuclear Management Company was a contract/operations firm that operated six nuclear power plants in the midwest US. NMC provided operational collaborations between plants. NMC did not own the plants, nor the energy produced from them. NMC's corporate headquarters were in Hudson, Wisconsin. As of September 2008 the operating licenses for the last two plants overseen by NMC, Monticello and Prairie Island, were transferred to Northern States Power Company, the owner of the plants. All personnel and assets of NMC were transferred to NSP, rendering NMC defunct.


NMC was formed in February 1999 by four utilities: Alliant Energy Nuclear, NSP Nuclear Corporation, WEC Nuclear Nuclear Corporation, and WPS Nuclear Corporation. Consumers Energy joined and became an investor in 2000. Alliant Energy, WPS, WEC and Consumers Energy left NMC when they sold their nuclear plants. NSP reacquired the operating license for Monticello and Prairie Island in September 2008. At that time, the remaining NMC structure was incorporated into NSP.
The idea behind NMC was to gain synergy through operating multiple plants under different owners, emphasizing industry best practices. They implemented safety protocols such as A.C.E.M.A.N., which was a daily safety standup where every on-site person was polled
A = accident free
C = control dose
E = event free
M = meet commitments
A = attend training
N = No re-work

Nuclear plants