Norwegian profanity

Profanity in the Norwegian language is referred to in Norwegian as banneord, bannskap, obskøniteter or upassende språk. Many words are characterized by dialect. Offensiveness of the profanities is not constant and may vary between regions.

List of some profanities in Norwegian language

The following are acceptable to be used in Norwegian children's cartoons:
Other profane terms include:
Norwegian grammar allows for virtually indefinite combinations of profanities; as is possible in other Germanic languages such as German, words may be combined into compounds. For instance, the terms kuksuger and jævel may be combined to produce the compound kuksugerjævel, meaning "cocksucking bastard".

English loanwords

Norwegian has borrowed some profane words and phrases from English. Sometimes, the word will remain the same but will have Norwegian conjugations and pronunciation. Examples include:
The word "fuck" as used by both the English and Norwegians today, however, is likely to originate from old Norwegian or German, fukka, which meant to have sexual intercourse. Fukka is no longer in use today.