Northern Territory Greens
Northern Territory Greens is a Green Party located in the Northern Territory, a member of the federation of the Australian Greens party.
Ilana Eldridge was the lead candidate for the Greens between 1990 and 2005. She has run for the Senate in 1990 and 1996 and the Australian House of Representatives in 1998 and 2004. She ran for the seat of Nightcliff in the 2005 Northern Territory election.
The NT party saw its first electoral victory in April 2008, when candidate Greg Jarvis was elected as one of three members for Darwin City Council's Chan Ward, defeating incumbent alderman Christine Tilley. Jarvis died on the First of February 2010 and the resultant by-election was won by Robin Knox. In the 2012 Local Government election their representation on council was extended to two in Darwin with the re-election of Robin Knox in Chan Ward and election of Simon Niblock in Lyons Ward. In Alice Springs Jade Kudrenko was the first Green Alderman.
In the 2008 NT election, the Greens ran in six of the 25 seats in the unicameral parliament, averaging around 16 percent. The highest vote was in Nightcliff at around 23 percent. The NT Greens increased their federal vote in both houses to 13 percent at the 2010 election.
However, subsequent elections saw a decline in their support. In the 2012 NT election, the Greens ran in ten of the twenty-five seats in the Assembly and achieved a 3.3% primary vote. The highest vote was in Arafura at 14.1%. In the 2013 federal election, they won 8.67% of the Senate votes and approximately 8% in the House of Representatives.Election results
Election | Convenor | Votes | % | Seats | Position |
1990 | | 1,981 | 3.0 | | |
1994 | | 552 | 0.8 | | |
1997 | | 420 | 0.6 | | |
2001 | | | | | Did not contest |
2005 | | 3,594 | 4.17 | | |
2008 | | 3,442 | 4.3 | | |
2012 | | 3,039 | 3.3 | | |
2016 | | 2,817 | 2.9 | | |